6mm sashimono sheets

Here are some word docs of 6mm sashimono. These are designed to be printed out and folded over the Baccus sashimono and nobori. Some of them aren’t very well sized, so check against the figure before cutting. Once the paper sashimono is dry the main field colour can be painted over to fit better with the fastening tabs on the cast sashimono.

Oda and Mōri clans:

6mm oda mori

Minor Harima clans:

6mm harima clans


Shimazu and Ōtomo clans:

6mmkyushu sashimono

Akamatsu, Ukita and Shibata Katsuie:

6mm akamatsu ukita shibata

Some Takeda:

6mmTakeda sashimono

Some Uesugi:
