
Here are some of the rules I’m using. These will be updated periodically as I add more to them. If anything here has proved useful to you, and you want to buy me a coffee, or indeed tea, it would be greatly appreciated. My Kofi page is here

Tenka Fubu: Big battle grid-based rules based on ‘For King and Parliament’ rules. Basic unit is a ‘sonae’ of several hundred to 1,000 men or so.

Tenka Fubu

A simple army generator for Tenka Fubu:

Tenka Fubu army generator

Ningen Gojūnen: Rough draft of small battle grid-based rules, again based on ‘For King and Parliament’ rules. Basic unit is around 100-200 men.

NingenGojūnen v2

Way of Horse and Bow: Genpei War skirmish rules

Way of Horse and Bow – V2

Character cards

Horse cards