
Sengoku Power Map

A while ago a Japanese blogger put together a set of ‘power maps’ for each year of the Sengoku Jidai. Unfortunately, the blog seems to have disappeared but I did download the images. I’ve stitched some of the images together to make an animated map for the years 1556-1600. If nothing else it shows how volatile the period was and what a rich environment it is for wargamers.


3 thoughts on “Sengoku Power Map”

  1. Thanks, brilliant job! I just wish we could get someone to translate the text for those. I feel I can’t really understand the era unless that is done.


    1. Unfortunately the resolution on most of the writing is really poor. I might get round to doing the main labels and headings on some of the more critical years at some point but, as ever, it’s a matter of finding the time.


  2. Great Job! I wonder if the Mori clan would have had a chance to defend themselves against Nobunaga if he hadn’t died in the Honnō-ji incident in 1582. Ankokuji Ekei was quite sceptical about the worth of Mori forces: “[Hideyoshi’ s] forces are great in number, abundantly mobile, advanced in battle strategy, and rich in rice and money. The Mori forces, in contrast, are few in number, phlegmatic, unskilled in maneuvers, and lacking in rice and money. Should these parties meet in combat, seven or eight in ten of the Mori force will fall.” However Kuroda Yoshitaka considered the Mori formidable.


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